Network Security & Tranning
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Network Security is needed to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, modification, misuse, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources. As the internet evolves and computer networks become bigger and bigger, network security has emerged as one of the most important factors for companies to consider. DPR Global Solution offer Certified Network Defense, Advanced Network Defense, Cisco Network Security Audit, Network Security Expert and many more to prevent unauthorized access, data theft, network misuse, device and data modification.
With DPR’sOnline training solutions you can study from the comfort of your home at times that suit you. DPR’s unique 1-on-1 methodology, you can Start Training from Any Date for training including 4-8 hours time slots and weekends. All courses are Guaranteed to Run and come with an Guaranteed Exam Passing Assistance.
Network Security Courses
In todays ever more networked world, computer networks are truly at the heart of all of our communications. Whether browsing your favourite online magazine, shopping for shoes or transferring money from your bank account, there is an unseen network seamlessly connecting everything together. Of course, though you may not realise it, the seamless connectivity is only possible because of an army of trained network and IT staff, working 24/7 to keep data coursing through these connections. To keep these people up to speed, many network security related courses are available.
Networks can be either of the hard-wired variety, often using copper or fibre optic technology, or the over the air wireless formats such as the mobile 3G, 4G and 5G formats that we are all used to connecting to via our mobile devices.
Within most organisations, internal communications over networks will likely be using the TCP IP protocol to transfer data over copper twisted pair network cables. WIFI and Bluetooth connectivity are also widely adopted communications standards that many will be familiar with.
The rise of Network Security accredited Courses
There are many courses available to teach everything from the fundamentals of networks to how to program whilst adhering to today’s compliance standards using TCP IP and other protocols. Qualifications are often certificated to various levels such as CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional).
Many course providers offer modules focused just on network security too. They will often take a generic approach to their course content. Others will provide vendor specific training, such as the types of courses provided by Cisco Systems and the like, where they provide their own hardware and software solutions to clients.
The cyber security staff that are suitable for network security focused training courses will include Network Operators, Network Analysts, Help Desk staff, IT developers, Penetration Testers, Cyber Security Analysts and Systems Administrators amongst others. Many of these courses have accreditation by industry oversight bodies.
Network security impacts us all because an insecure network would lead to absolute chaos! High standards of secure network training should mean that fewer exploits are available for hackers to take advantage of.
Network security courses will provide training from all levels from foundation level, through coding and operating standards up to courses suitable for network and IT project managers and directors.
Formal network security training classes offer the chance to learn new skills often in settings away from the usual place of work. It is best to escape the pressures of the daily grind wherever possible as this facilitates better learning. Todays security industry accredited training courses also provide certified individuals better career options in network security related roles.
An introduction to Network Security Courses
Today, network security training is provided by many different training organisations. Many providers are also accredited by a plethora of industry oversight committees, government Quango’s and other regulators. Courses are available covering the basics, TCP IP, WAN and LAN configuration, 3G, 4G, 5G, WIFI and Bluetooth near field network communications technologies.
A selection of Network Security focused Courses
Stay Safe Stay Protected
1) Penetration Testing for Network Security
A number of Penetration Testing courses incorporate network security within their course structure. Attending a pen-testing course provides those tasked with protecting networks from cyber attack with a valuable insight into the way that hackers work. Knowledge of their tools and techniques will make the job of defeating their attempted exploits easier. At the end of the day it is next to impossible to create a totally secure network, so the job is to make the task of network penetration as difficult as possible for the hackers. A network focused pen-testing course will make that more likely for professionals working in cyber security and protecting vital communications infrastructure.
2) System and Network Security Introduction courses
Many system and network focused introduction level courses are available nowadays. A number of these courses are also now being given certification and approval by various recognised authorities and regulators such as GCHQ in the UK. Subjects covered should include Network Security Architecture, DevSecOps, Data Governance and Network Security. Look for courses containing modules on LAN, WAN, TCP IP and WIFI, as these technologies are all in widespread use within the communications networks of today.
3) Network Security Courses specific to the Internet of Things (IoT)
As you are no doubt well aware, the IoT (Internet of Things) is taking centre-stage in todays connected world. This vast new plethora of distributed Internet connected devices must be protected from the attentions of today’s army of online hackers. As nation states vie for position, the IoT may become yet another battlefield for them all to compete on. An array of new courses focusing on IoT Networks and their Security have recently started to appear, with many incorporating new methods to protect connected devices from the criminals and rogue actors.
4) The impact of AI on Network Security Courses
As AI (Artificial Intelligence) becomes more integrated into today’s networks and devices, new steps may need to be taken to protect organisations from using them to their advantage. Although the task of defeating an army of AI hackers may seem daunting, the needs are now starting to be addressed in certain advanced network security courses focusing on this technology. AI hacking will be rapidly adaptive to the techniques employed by cyber security staff to defeat them, so the time is now right to consider getting staff skills up to speed in this space. Training providers are now finally starting to address the need for AI network security courses, so be sure to keep your skills up to date!